Long time no hear! So I've been learning a LOT about comics lately. It helps me get over my current slump and finally finish that comic page. It also means I now spot several flaws in the comic
page but I've decided to ignore most of them because otherwise I'd have to redo the entire page to make it work better. Instead I'll finish it the way I originally had it planned and will simply
focus on making the next page better.
After almost 2 weeks of being sick, I'm starting to feel better. At times I couldn't concentrate or focus enough to get the comic going, I sketched outfits or worked on scripts and characters. A
few of the new characters you can check out in the Archive.
There are only two more panels left to colour so yay! There's a light at the end of the tunnel!
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Angela Davenport (Monday, 08 April 2019 20:24)
hi i'm a huge w.i.t.c.h. fan been that way since my school days I have all the books and the new graphic novels I have a question will the new w.i.t.c.h. sovereigns comic series get a print release let me know if this will happen I can't wait to read it.
Enny (Wednesday, 22 May 2019 20:09)
Hi Angela and thanks a lot for both the comments and again sorry for not responding sooner. I'm not used to getting comments on this website haha! I will check them more frequently now. First of all super happy you like my stuff!! I would very much like to get the comic printed at some point but I plan on making around 30 pages for this first comic issue and that will take some time I think. Probably about... a year or so? I still hope I'll get it done faster but with my full-time job on the side I don't have that much time for the comic. I will make every page available to read here on the website though.