
The "Sovereigns Project"

Here's an overview of the different "W.i.t.c.h. Sovereigns" things I'm currently working on.

To navigate, click the golden topic below that interests you or find the subpage via the menu.

  1. Comic "W.i.t.c.h. Sovereigns" - english - german
  2. Spin-off books like "Tales of Halloween"
  3. W.i.t.c.h. Studies
  4. Other things like a Metamoor World Book

At the bottom you can check on my project goals and their status.

What is "The Sovereigns Project"?

What's "The Sovereigns Project"?

How does the comic relate to the studies website?
Is the Halloween story even part of this project??

Everything you need to know about the Sovereigns project, you can find below in the project overview! I know, me jumping around from one thing to another can be confusing for you guys, so I put together this digital leaflet in hopes that it'll make things clearer for you.

Let me know if anything's missing.

W.i.t.c.h. Sovereigns Project Overview - Complete
This file contains all of the above pages of the "Sovereigns Project" overview. It is in jpeg format. Click the button below to download ;)
JPG Image 16.9 MB

Progress & Goals

Comic STATUS: in progress

Since I'm used to an incremental way of working, I'm using small goals to define my next load of work. While the main story is already set, the progression of the comic will be slow so it's important for me to have easy achievable successes so I stay motivated.

Through the goals you can see what I'm currently working on and how things are going. For a more detailed view on my current work, move on over to the News section.

 in progress   -   waiting/stuck  -   testing   -   finished


Goal 1 : Finish the cover art of Issue 00

Goal 2: Comic Summary/What happened last

Goal 3 : Finish prologue page 01

         Goal 3.1: Add a Mini poster

Goal 4 : Finish prologue page 02

Goal 5: Finish Page 06 - Irma feature

         Goal 4.1: Come up with a 'story' for the  Irma-pages

         Goal 4.2: Set all the roles for page 07

Goal 6: Finish Page 07 - Irma feature + guests from casting

Goal 7: Finish Spin-off Halloween story Part 1

Goal 8: Finish Page 08

Goal 9: Finish Page 09

Goal 10: Finish Page 10

         Goal 9.1: Create Pitch Document

         Goal 9.2: Create fancy artwork of the girls in Sovereign outfits

         Goal 9.3: Create Timeline for 3 years previous

Goal 11: Finish Page 11

Goal 12: Finish Page 12

Goal 13: Finish Spin-off Halloween story Part 2

Goal 14: Finish Page 14

         Goal 14.1: Create Teaser for the entire comic

         Goal 14.2: Create new cover page for the Arc

         Goal 14.3: Finish issue/arc plan

Goal 15: Finish page 15

Goal 16: Finish page 16

         Goal 16.2: Translate the comic into German

Goal 17: Finish Spin-off Halloween Story part 3

Goal 18: Prepare Halloween Story for print round

Goal 19: Finish page 17

Goal 20: Finish page 18

Goal 21: Work on page 19