
Progress on Page 11 + Thank Yous!!!

Page 11 is going as planned, meaning I will be able to publish it on the date I set for myself. I'm not gonna tell it just yet in case something happens after all, smashing everybody's hopes to bits.

So here's a bit of Hay Lin that I worked on today. Gave me more trouble than I thought to get proportions right and the wind effect with the loose hanging clothes but towards the end of my working time today I'm somewhat happy with it. Will continue with this tomorrow and then move on to the final panel that needs line cleaning before the colouring.


As for my job and general home situation: Still the same and I get the feeling that it will take at least another month or two until I actually find a job. The state won't give me financial support until end of September, which is... kind of okay because I got money from my company for leaving so I won't have to live on crackers but still hurts a bit. Wanted to use that money to support my parents but oh well. Such is life. Last week I was in a bit of a hole because of this along with three notes of decline from companies I applied for. Also, numbers of Corona cases are rising rapidly because people are too stupid or stubborn to follow the rules in my country. Being a risk patient myself, I don't find this funny at all. My boyfriend and me try to stay home and safe and keep distance when we enter supermarkets and stuff but it gets really difficult. Friends have less understanding if we say no to bigger meetings in person because we know that they hang out with lots of people again these days, in supermarkets, people just walk past you suuuuper close which would be rude even without Corona and many stop wearing masks in public transportation even though it's still a country-wide rule!!! GAHRKEAFNLSBGLASD! Wear masks people! Please!! Anway.... This week I'm in better spirit. Sent out another couple of applications this morning and will try to write two more this week. I'm also thinking about opening commissions sometime this month and making more advertisement for my ko-fi account to try and get a little money on the side just in case.


Other stuff I'm working on: Since I need to use my free time most effectively I've taken up the Meridian studies again, meaning I'm checking every tiny info I can find from the comics and noting them down for my WITCH studies page. Aaaand since that's not artsy enough I started sketching and drawing some portraits of known and new royals of Metamoor and am thinking about making a map of the world itself. I think that could be fun. 


Also a HUGE THANK YOU!!!! to all of you who've left comments on the main page here, wrote me an e-mail or contacted me via Instagram or DA. I'm really really happy that you enjoy the comic and the mental support about my current job situation helps really a lot as well so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your patience, kindness and feedback! I can be super insecure at times when it comes to my projects, so getting some feedback from you guys is worth a lot to me! Helps me focus and just feel like I'm being seen, that my stuff is reaching someone.


This turned out way longer than I had planned, ahum! Sooo... stay safe and try to think of others as well, when you leave the house aaaaand have a great week.



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