
Thank yous and Meridian stuff!

Just dropping in real quick to give you some news. 


First of all: THANK YOU so very much for all your kind and encouraging words. I really appreciate it!!! 


I will continue with the Sovereigns comic as planned, just to roll that question out of the way real quick. I am still having trouble finding time to work on it... I'm planning on lowering my work days from 5 to 4, but that requires some planning and saving up. If you want to help me out, please consider donating a tea of 3$ via my Ko-fi account!


However, I have another exciting announcement which is the next of my fan-made W.i.t.c.h. novels. Just as a reminder: Writing time is different than drawing time. So when I have enough energy and proper free time, I draw. Only if I don't have enough energy for that or only have an hour here or there, I turn to writing. So these story projects don't take any time away from the comic, I promise you. 
The next story is set in Metamoor and I've been secretly working on it for about half a year with another half year before that of studying its original worldbuilding in the comics. As always, I intent to keep the original worldbuilding and decisions and merely fill up holes and gaps and expand the world, hopefully in a fitting and similarly magical manner. 

For more infos on this new side project and also to follow along, head over to my Ko-Fi account: Read Metamoor Story Details 

I hope you're excited about this, I certainly am!
Thanks again for your continuous support!