
New Family member

Hello! Such a long absence! Wow! 

I figured it's high time for an update so you guys know what's what. Especially in case you don't follow my instagram where I already tried to make some updates. 


So! Early this year my husband and I decided to adopt a dog puppy. Her name is Hinako and she's a lovely jolly bean. However having a dog required a lot more than we had anticipated (it's basically like having a toddler in your home without warning) and stress at work got really bad, too. So for the past months I barely had time or energy to draw at all.


Here's the good news: This is starting to change. Hinako has matured quite a bit and we've all adjusted our rhythm to one another so that it's better plannable when she will sleep, which means when I can sit down and draw a while. These moments are still far and few inbetween and I dare not promise anything just yet. At work things are slowly calming down. I have high hopes for May since most people are on vacation and so... I hope the stress level will reduce considerably. But again... cannot make any promises here since I can't forsee the future. 

I am currently going with my mood when it comes to creative work. That is so I can get back into drawing in general. I did originally try and get right back to the comic but realized quickly that I need far more time to really get into it and then some more to actually make progress. That's something I will have to plan better somehow so that my husband can take care of Hinako during that time. To name an example: For the comic I need at least 4 hours to properly make progress. One hour of those 4 is just to get back into topic. While a random piece of art or story I can easily get in and out within 2 hours.

I did continue to clean lines for an artwork for the Meridian Story I'm working on and I recently had an idea for an artwork for a story set in Basiliade with Orube. I won't be writing Orube's story anytime soon mind you but fiddling around with it art-wise is fun and anything fun in the art direction is great at the moment and helps me get back into a creative flow - and in turn brings me closer to retruning to the comic. 


I know this must be frustrating for you guys since you've already been waiting for so long. Life just happens sometimes and just know that I will definitely continue to create WITCH related art and stories and the comic as well. It will just take time and it will happen whenever I can fit it into my schedule and whenever my creative brain is functioning. It's really important to me that art doesn't become a job where I have to force myself to sit down and work. In my experience that will kill creativity after a short while. Instead, I will take my time, wait for inspiration and motivation to come and then the end results usually are all the more brilliant. 


Thanks for your understanding and continuing support and I hope that with the next update we'll also have more comic things to discuss :D