
Art Block and other struggles

I wish I had amazing news like... that I have the next comic page ready or... any kind of art really. The fact that it took me so long to even write this update is quite telling. It's nothing super dramatic either, something simple, really. At first I thought it was due to lack of time through Hinako's rather short sleeping phases which kept me from drawing but that's been done with for a while now and still... I have no art to show. I did start on many things. I started on a piece of artwork for a story set on Basiliade, showing Orube's life after the comics and after she returns home. I'm really happy about it, too. I love the idea and I want to see it finished. And yet. It sits there. Unfinished. I started on two Sovereign artworks too. They, too sit there now. Joining the pile. Yesterday I started on this little art piece of a character I dreamt of during the short London vacation we had last time. I do hope I will get to finish that one at least. For a while I also thought it might be due to the whole AI issue going on regarding digital art. Like when you post something you have to go through a lot of trouble to protect your copyrights on basically any platform which just seems like a hassle, while on the other hand you don't want to NOT go through that hassle since I don't want to support AI in the regard of stealing art stuff without consent... And then! It's summer. I'm not good with heat. It turns my brain to mush and makes me slow and lazy. So that could be part of the issue too. 

But really... I've been struggling with motivation and it took me a while to realize it. It's that simple. Lack of motivation, inspiration... Art Block. However you want to call it. I allowed myself to step back from art for a while and am currently still... figuring out how to get past it. Sometimes it helps to sit down and push through it. Sometimes I need to do the opposite and maybe just draw something entirely else on traditional pen and paper or just do something non-artistic for a while. I'm trying to figure it out without stressing too much over it to not make it worse. 

Which leads me to say: I'm trying to get back to art. To find a way to enjoy it again and get that pressure off. I do have some commissions that I will definitely finish no matter what! And hopefully somewhere down that line the spark will flare back up and my next update will be about some nice finished art piece or other or - better yet - the next comic page. 

I won't blame you if you don't wanna wait around. If you want to unfollow me or just forget about me and this project. I know these long absences can be annoying to you as the "audience". I understand. It's okay. I cannot do maigc but I am still an artist and I'm sure the muse will knock on my door again someday. Let's just all hope it will be sooner rather than later. 

For those of you who still drop by occasionally: Thanks a ton! I appreciate it very much! I really do. Thanks to your support and all of my instagram followers and the lovely people who still go and buy some stuff on my ko-fi to support me. All that helps me too, to not give up and get around that stupid block. 

Hope to hear you again sometime soon.