Posts tagged with "christmas"

updates · 23. December 2020
Merry Christmas everyone!!! My family and me are celebrating Little Christmas Eve tonight which means I'll be "away" starting today around afternoon so I thought I'd shout out my Christmas greetings today already! MEEEEERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I hope despite the turmoil of this year you guys can find a bit of peace and quiet, warmth and love, cozyness and positivity over the holidays! Feel hugged!!! This was a suggestion by SonigPossible00 on Deviantart and I just loved the idea of reuniting...
updates · 09. December 2019
Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait again. Work is giving me a really hard time at the moment. Lot's of stress, especially emotional one which leads to me needing to just relax and hang out on the couch over the weekend. I'm drawing a few smaller Christmas pictures related to W.i.t.c.h., as a means of practising characters I don't usually draw, and to give you guys something to look at while I build up the courage to finish that next comic page. I am going to do that, don't worry. It's just a...

updates · 23. December 2018
Hey everyone! Just wanted to wish you all a very merry Christmas! Hope you're having lots of laughs and comfort with cookies and hot chocolate and all the things we love so much about the holidays. I will be away until January so also wishing you a great start into 2019! Be awesome people, rock on and see ya next year!