Posts tagged with "Elyon"

journey · 16. December 2021
Wow this year went by really fast! Time to look back on 2021 and tell you a bit about what's in store for the Sovereign Project 2022! Let's get started! RECAP 2021 This year was full of ups ans downs. I finished 2 big commissions which ended up costing me several months extra. My rabbit died in summer, and I left the drawing board for the first time in many years for 2 whole months; I got engaged, started working on our new appartment we're going to move into sometime next year, started a new...
updates · 13. January 2021
Happy new year! Also: Sorry for the delay. I got sick right after Christmas (which we spent away from family in order to not get infected or spread something plus my sis and mom were both having a normal but nasty cold) aaaaand spend the last couple of weeks on the couch having exactly that nasty and long lasting cold. I'm feeling a lot better now but will take it slow and not spend too much time on the computer again just yet. Naturally this unforseen event has pretty much ruined my plans for...