Hey everyone! The time has come. The new villain approaches and will be revealed both in the next comic page (which is well underway!) and in this new little side project. Since I have a few days extra for drawing around Easter I decided to tackle something I've been meaning to get to for a while: A teaser for my project. And what can I say: Roughly one day of work and this is the result. A snippet of the first scene. I will continue with this the next two days on my vacation days and get back...
This is what some of my work looks like. This is the second sketch step where I refine the super rough first version a little to better make out poses and shapes. So as you can see, I started on page 10 already and am doing good progress. I will continue with the line art over the weekend. What do you think the girls are looking at?
TADA! After a long wait (so sorry guys!!) here's a new update for the next comic page. I'm done adding the dialogues, speech bubbles and such plus some effects for the entire page and started colouring today. Here's a colour test for one of the panels. It's the first time I'm doing a colour test like this but it's really helpful. It let's me see what the overall tone of the panel and entire page will be like and if it will work or not. That way I can make changes in colour way faster and...
Happy feet, I got those happy feet, give them a low down beat... (humming to music) Hey ho lovely people! I finished another panel today and am only lacking one more. I managed to start with it but yesterday's migraine is still taking it's toll so I was a bit slower than usual. This panel was interesting since it purely consists of feet and shoes and with both I'm usually very bad. But again I think they turned out rather nicely. Can you tell which feet belong to which girl?
Time for another update! Day three is at its end and I'm wrapping up my work for today. On the right you can see what I've been working on almost the entire day. I was a little slower today and easily distracted I have to confess. But still I made progress and reminded myself multiple times to keep going and it was worth it. Again the speech bubbles are still missing but the rest I'm rather happy with. Now there are only 2 more panels missing on the page. I sketched out one more panel in detail...